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GISI is an experimental object-oriented API (Application Programming Interface) for accessing spatial data from Perl programs. GISI is intended to define a set of classes and conventions to provide a consistent interface for accessing spatial data independent of the underlying file format or access method. GISI is based on the OpenGIS Abstract Specification, Version 4.

Similar to the Perl DBI, GISI is an interface layer providing communication between Perl scripts utilizing GISI and drivers that provide the actual access to the sources of spatial data. All efforts were made to keep GISI thin and to limit its scope to data access purposes. GISI is intended to be a glue between various pieces of GIS software and libraries written in a variety of programming languages including, but not limited to, Perl.

GISI is a work in progress and is still in its early stages. The GISI API is far from being final and its current release is mostly intended to elicit comments from the GIS programmers' community on the usability and utility of the framework. The API is not stable and can experience significant changes in the future.

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